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A.1 Symmetries in physics

A.1.1 Derivation of the Poincaré algebra

Perhaps the simplest way to derive these is via the infinite-dimensional representation of the generators as differential operators acting on functions of spacetime ψ(xμ):

Pμ = iμ, Mμν = i(xμν xνμ).

These should be familiar as the momentum and angular momentum operators from classical and quantum mechanics, generalized to include boosts and the time dimension. Thus, for example,

[M0i,Pj]ψ(xμ) = (i2)[x 0i xi0,j]ψ = [(x0ij xi0j) (j(x0i) j(xi0))]ψ = [(x0ij xi0j) (x0ij ηij0 xi0j)]ψ = ηij0ψ = iηijP0ψ. (A.1.2)

The rest of the commutation relations in Eqs. 2.3.10 and 2.3.12 can be derived similarly.