9.2 JetNet
We introduce the JetNet dataset as a benchmark dataset for studies of fast simulation techniques in high-energy physics. It is derived from Ref. [315],1 and comprises simulated particle jets with transverse momenta , originating from gluons, light quarks, top quarks, and W and Z bosons produced in proton-proton collisions through a simplified detector (Figure 9.1).
As disucssed in Chapter 7, each jets is represented as a point cloud, or particle cloud, of particles, with each particle represented as a node in the cloud with the three kinematic features. are the transverse momentum, pseudorapidity, and azimuthal angle, respectively, commonly used in collider physics and defined in Chapter 6. is the transverse momentum of the particle relative to the jet , and and are the particle’s angular coordinates relative to the jet axis.
Details of the simulations are as follows. The parton-level events are first produced at leading-order using MadGraph5_aMC@NLO 2.3.1 [316] with the NNPDF 2.3LO1 parton distribution functions [317]. To focus on a relatively narrow kinematic range, the transverse momenta of the partons and undecayed gauge bosons are generated in a window with energy spread given by , centered at . These parton-level events are then decayed and showered in pythia 8.212 [313] with the Monash 2013 tune [318], including the contribution from the underlying event. For each original particle type, 200,000 events are generated. Jets are clustered using the anti- algorithm [193], with a distance parameter of using the FastJet 3.1.3 and FastJet contrib 1.027 packages [319, 320]. Even though the parton-level distribution is narrow, the jet spectrum is significantly broadened by kinematic recoil from the parton shower and energy migration in and out of the jet cone. We apply a restriction on the measured jet to remove extreme events outside of a window of for the bin. This generation is a significantly simplified version of the official simulation and reconstruction steps used for real detectors at the LHC, to remain experiment-independent as well as allow public access to the dataset.
This chapter is, in part, a reprint of the materials as they appear in NeurIPS, 2021, R. Kansal; J. Duarte; H. Su; B. Orzari; T. Tomei; M. Pierini; M. Touranakou; J.-R. Vlimant; and D. Gunopulos. Particle Cloud Generation with Message Passing Generative Adversarial Networks. The dissertation author was the primary investigator and author of this paper.
1This dataset was released under the CC-BY 4.0 license.