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13.2 GloParT for HY VV classification

To target the HY VV 4q jets, as well as several additional signatures, we introduce a new transformer-based model, based on the ParT [391] architecture, called “Global Particle Transformer” (GloParT). It is trained to classify between background QCD jets and a wide variety of fully hadronic and semi-leptonic Higgs and top quark processes. The full set of training classes is illustrated in Figure 13.2. As for the ParticleNet tagger, to achieve mass-decorrelation, the masses of Higgs- and top-quark-like resonances are varied in the training samples; specifically, Higgs-like topologies are simulated using spin-0 particles (G) decaying to HH and top-quark-like topologies with G decaying to tt¯, where the H and t masses are varied between 15 and 250GeV. For H VV decays, the W and Z boson masses are also varied, either linearly with the H mass—for SM Higgs boson searches such as the nonresonant HH search, or independently, motivated by BSM scenarios such as the resonant X HY search.

The final states for each process are grouped by the number of quarks and leptons per jet, and then further separated by heavy flavors. Notably, fully hadronic H VV jets are separated into 4- and 3-pronged jets (qqqq and qqq), to account for boosted jets which may not capture all four VV daughter quarks. The inputs to the model are AK8 jets with up to 128 PF candidates and 7 secondary vertices, with features listed in Table 13.1, and the outputs are the probabilities of the jet to have originated from each of the aforementioned processes and final states.

In the resonant analysis (and to evaluate the performance of the tagger for nonresonant signals), we focus on discriminating between the hadronic H VV final states and top quark and QCD multijet backgrounds using the THVV discriminator defined as

THVV = PHVV4q + PHVV3q PQCD + PTop + PHVV4q + PHVV3q,

where PHVV4q, PHVV3q, PQCD, and PTop are the sum of the predicted probabilities of their respective sub-categories. The performance of this discriminant on VV-candidate jets passing loose a preselection for boosted jets is shown in Figure 13.3. In the nonresonant analysis, the raw PHVV4q, PHVV3q, PQCD, and PTop are used as inputs to the BDT.


Figure 13.2. Full set of training jet classes for GloParT.

Table 13.1. The complete set of input features into GloParT. Three types of inputs are considered: charged PF candidates, neutral PF candidates, and secondary vertices (SVs).
 Variable                  Definition
                                                 charged  PF   candidates
 log p                      logarithm  of the particle’ s p
     T                                                T
 log E                      logarithm  of the particle’ s energy

 Δ η(jet)                   difference  in pseudorapidity between  the particle and the jet axis

 Δ ϕ(jet)                   difference  in azimuthal  angle between the particle and the jet axis

 |η |                       absolute value of the particle’s pseudorapidity

 q                         electric charge of the particle

 isMuon                    if the particle is identified  as a muon

 isElectron                if the particle is identified  as an electron

 isChargedHadron           if the particle is identified  as a charged hadron

 pvAssociationQuality      flag related to the association of the track to the primary vertices

 lostInnerHits             quality flag of the track related to missing hits on the pixel layers

 χ2∕dof                    χ2 value of the trajectory fit normalized to the number  of degrees of freedom

 qualityMask               quality flag of the track

 d                         longitudinal impact parameter  of the track
 d /σ                      significance of the longitudinal impact  parameter
  z  dz
 d                         transverse impact  parameter of the track
 d  /σ                     significance of the transverse impact parameter
  xy  dxy
 η                         pseudorapidity of the track relative to the jet axis
 p    ratio                track momentum    perpendicular to the jet axis, divided by the magnitude of the track momentum
 p     ratio               track momentum    parallel to the jet axis divided by the magnitude of the track momentum
 d                         signed 3D  impact parameter  of the track
 d  ∕σ                     signed 3D  impact parameter  significance of the track
  3D  3D
 trackDistance             distance between  the track and the jet axis at their point of closest approach


 log pT                     logarithm  of the particle’ s pT

 log E                      logarithm  of the particle’ s energy

 Δ η(jet)                   difference  in pseudorapidity between  the particle and the jet axis

 Δ ϕ(jet)                   difference  in azimuthal  angle between the particle and the jet axis

 |η |                       absolute value of the particle’s pseudorapidity

 isPhoton                  if the particle is identified  as a photon

-isNeutralHadron-----------if-the-particle-is-identified--as a-neutral-hadron----------------------------------------------------
                                              For  SVs  within  the jet cone
 log pT                     logarithm  of the SV pT

 mSV                       mass of the SV

 Δ η(jet)                   difference  in pseudorapidity between  the SV  and the jet axis

 Δ ϕ(jet)                   difference  in azimuthal  angle between the SV  and the jet axis

 |η |                       absolute value of the SV ’s pseudorapidity

 Ntracks                    number  of tracks associated with the SV

 χ2∕dof                    χ2 value of the SV fit normalized  to the number   of degrees of freedom

 d2D                       signed 2D  impact parameter  (i.e., in the transverse plane ) of the SV

 d2D∕σ2D                   signed 2D  impact parameter  significance of the SV

 d3D                       signed 3D  impact parameter  of the SV

 d3D∕σ3D                   signed 3D  impact parameter  significance of the SV


Figure 13.3. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for the THVV discriminator on VV-candidate jets passing the AK8 online and offline selections for a subset of nonresonant and resonant signals versus QCD and tt¯ backgrounds.