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4.3 The Higgs sector

The Higgs boson, being the only scalar in the SM and uncharged under the U(1)EM and SU(3)C symmetries, may appear to be the simplest particle in the theory. However, these same properties also mean that the Higgs sector is not as strongly constrained by gauge invariance, renormalizability, etc. as the gauge and fermionic sectors. Indeed, the Higgs sector contains the majority of the free parameters of the SM: the Yukawa couplings (12 masses of the fermions + 8 more parameters from the CKM and PMNS matrices), the Higgs VEV, and the Higgs mass (or, equivalently, λ in the Higgs potential). Without it, the SM would only have three free parameters: the three forces’ coupling constants!

This is why a significant motivation for the next decades of the LHC, as well as future “Higgs factory” colliders, is to precisely characterize the Higgs sector. In this section, we first describe how this is possible at the LHC and discuss recent experimental constraints. We then motivate measurements of Higgs pair production, both in the SM and through BSM decays of heavy resonances, which are the focus of this dissertation and a key target of the current and upcoming LHC physics program.

4.3.1 Higgs boson production and measurements at the LHC

Higgs bosons are produced at the LHC through a variety of parton-parton interactions, as shown in Figure 4.17. Because of their high mass, they have a lifetime of roughly O(1022)s and decay immediately into two vector bosons or two fermions at tree-level, with further decays possible through loops. The decay probability depends on the strength of the respective interactions, which we see from Section 4.2 are proportional to the mass or the mass squared for fermions and vector bosons, respectively, though with the probability lowered for decays that are not kinematically accessible (i.e., when the total mass of the decay products is greater than the Higgs’).

This is illustrated in Figure 4.18, which shows the branching fractions (BFs) of the Higgs boson as a function of its mass. Generally, we see the higher the mass of the decay product, the higher the BF; however, as the Higgs mass decreases, first the tt¯ and later the W and Z boson decays become kinematically inaccessible, leading to decreasing decay probabilities.


Figure 4.17. Single Higgs boson production modes and decay channels at the LHC, reproduced from Ref. [23].


Figure 4.18. Higgs branching fractions predicted in the SM as a function of mH (reproduced from Refs. [2425]).

The Higgs boson was initially observed by the CMS and ATLAS experiments in 2012 through a combination of several decay channels. Since then, the two experiments have been making steady progress in the precise measurements of the various Higgs properties. For example, Figure 4.19 shows the overall constraints on the Higgs to fermion and vector boson couplings and the Higgs mass by the CMS experiment. Constraints are based on the κ-framework [157], where κX scales the Higgs-X coupling strength with κX = 1 corresponding to the SM prediction. Changes to the coupling strength due to new physics are thus generically captured by deviations from κX = 1.

Figure 4.19. Constraints on Higgs to fermion and vector boson couplings, reproduced from Ref. [23] (left) and measurements of the Higgs mass, reproduced from Ref. [26] (right) by the CMS experiment.

4.3.2 Higgs pair production in the SM

Two couplings of the Higgs boson which have not been well-constrained are the trilinear Higgs self-coupling (HHH), with coupling modifier κλ, and the Higgs quartic coupling to vector bosons (HHVV), with modifier κ2V. As discussed in Section 4.2.3 and illustrated in Figure 4.20, measuring the Higgs self-coupling in particular is necessary to fully characterize the Higgs potential, deviations to which could hint at BSM explanations to mysteries such as baryon asymmetry [158]. As we describe below, both couplings can be probed exclusively through Higgs pair production (HH), which is why it is a key physics target for the upcoming high-luminosity era of the LHC.


Figure 4.20. Cartoon of the Higgs potential in the SM and potential deviations due to BSM physics.

HH production in the SM occurs dominantly through gluon fusion (ggF), with a small production cross section σggF = 31.055.0%+2.2% ± 3%(PDF + α s)18%+4%(mt) fb [159160] at a center of mass energy of 13TeV and mH = 125GeV, and subdominantly through vector boson fusion (VBF), with a smaller production cross section σVBF = 1.7260.04%+0.03% ± 2.1%(PDF + α s) fb [25]. At leading order, the ggF production mode has contributions from diagrams that involve the trilinear HHH Higgs self-coupling and the emission of two Higgs bosons through a top quark loop, while the VBF production mode has contributions from three diagrams involving the trilinear HHH, HVV, and quartic HHVV couplings (Figures 4.21 and 4.22). It also features the distinct final state signature of two, typically forward, jets in addition to the two Higgs bosons.


Figure 4.21. Leading-order diagrams for nonresonant HH production via gluon gluon fusion.


Figure 4.22. Leading-order diagrams for nonresonant HH production via vector boson fusion. In this chapter, we refer to the left-most VBF diagram as the (HVV)2 and the right-most as the HHVV diagram.

The production cross section and kinematic properties of the HH system are altered if values of the Higgs self-coupling, the top Yukawa coupling, and/or the quartic HHVV coupling are modified due to beyond the SM (BSM) effects. Notably, at the energy scale of the LHC, the leading contribution to the VBF production amplitude is the scattering of longitudinal vector bosons, which scales as mHH2(κ 2V κV2) [161], where, as above, κλ, κ2V, and κV are defined to be multiplicative modifiers of the HHH, HHVV, and HVV couplings from their SM values, respectively.

In the SM, with κ2V = κV = 1, VBF production is suppressed since the left-most (HVV)2 and right-most HHVV VBF diagrams in Figure 4.22 cancel; however, BSM deviations to HHVV can spoil the cancelation, significantly enhancing this mode. This departure from the SM could be more visible at high energies, as illustrated in Figure 4.23, which shows the increase and shift towards higher mHH of the differential VBF HH production cross section for enhanced and reduced κ2V values. Thus, measuring high-mHH nonresonant VBF HH production, with both Higgs bosons highly Lorentz-boosted, is a powerful probe of the HHVV coupling.


Figure 4.23. Differential cross section at 13TeV center of mass for VBF HH production as a function of the invariant mass of the HH system (mHH) for different diagrams and couplings.

This is evidenced by the current κ2V constraint in CMS being dominated by the search for boosted HH in the bb¯bb¯ channel, with an observed (expected) 95% confidence level (CL) constraint of [0.6, 1.4] ([0.7, 1.4]), excluding κ2V = 0 for the first time [162]. This is followed by CMS searches in the resolved bb¯bb¯ [28] and bb¯ττ [29] channels, with constraints of [0.1, 2.2] ([0.4, 2.5]) and [0.4, 2.6] ([0.6, 2.8]), respectively. Similarly, the strongest κ2V constraint from the ATLAS experiment is from the boosted bb¯bb¯ search [163], with an observed (expected) 95% CL constraint of [0.55, 1.49] ([0.3, 1.7]).

The success of searches in the boosted bb¯bb¯ channel motivates further exploration of high-mHH HH production. This dissertation presents the first search in the all-hadronic bb¯VV channel, where one Higgs boson decays to bb¯ while the other to WW or ZZ, where W qq¯ and Z qq¯. The branching fractions for the bb¯ and all-hadronic VV decays are 0.58 and 0.11 respectively, for a total branching fraction B(HH bb¯(VV 4q)) = 2 0.58 0.11 = 0.13, which is the second largest behind bb¯bb¯. The analysis primarily aims to constrain κ2V and also sets an exclusion limit on the inclusive HH production cross-section. It is not expected to be sensitive to κλ because of the focus on the high-mHH regime.

Another benefit of the high-mHH regime is the significantly reduced QCD multijet background, which otherwise makes such all-hadronic searches extremely challenging. Because of the two Higgs bosons’ high Lorentz-boosts, this regime also features the unique experimental signature of the bb¯ and VV 4q decays each being reconstructed as single wide-radius jets. Such merged H bb¯ jets have been identified to great effect in CMS using deep neural networks (DNNs) [162164], but attaining similar signal versus background discrimination for H VV jets remains an open challenge. To this end, we introduce a new attention-based DNN, referred to as the global particle transformer (GloParT) to not only enable this search but open new possibilities for searches in boosted-VV channels as well (Chapter 13).

4.3.3 Experimental status of HH measurements with CMS


Figure 4.24. HH decays and their respective branching fractions (reproduced from Ref. [27]).

The decays and branching fractions (BFs) of the Higgs boson pairs are shown in Figure 4.24. Three of these final states have emerged as experimental “golden channels” — the channels expected to yield the highest signal-to-background-events ratio for SM HH production:

More recently, the bb¯WW channel has been explored in the douple-lepton (llνν) and single-lepton (lνqq) WW final states [31], which have a large combined BF of 13.4%. The former features a clean experimental signature of two opposite-sign leptons but a small BF of 2.6%, while the latter has the higher BF of 10.8% but larger top quark background as well (Figure 4.28). Because of this, the two channels have similar sensitivities to the HH cross section.


Figure 4.25. Distribution of events in the high-mHH ggF category of the Run 2 CMS HH bb¯bb¯ resolved analysis [28] as a function of the BDT discriminant (left), and of the Run 2 boosted analysis’ [162] most sensitive ggF category, as a function of the second-highest tagged bb¯-jet’s mass (middle), and VBF categories, as a function of mHH (right).


Figure 4.26. Combination of bins of all postfit distributions of the Run 2 CMS HH bb¯ττ analysis [29], ordered according to the expected signal-to-square-root-background ratio, separately for the τhτe (left), the τhτμ (center), and τhτh (right) channels.


Figure 4.27. Invariant two-photon mass distribution of the Run 2 CMS HH bb¯γγ analysis [30], combined for all signal categories, weighted by S/(S+B), where S (B) is the number of signal (background) events extracted from the signal-plus-background fit.


Figure 4.28. Distribution of events in the resolved 1b, resolved 2b, and boosted signal categories of the Run 2 CMS semi-leptonic HH bb¯WW analysis [31] as a function of their DNN discriminant in the single-lepton (left) and double-lepton (right) final states.

The limits set on the HH cross section by each channel, and their combinations, are shown in Figure 4.29, and as a function of κλ and κ2V in Figure 4.30. The three “golden channels” each offer roughly similar sensitivities to the cross section and κλ limits; however, the constraint on κ2V is dominated by the boosted bb¯bb¯ channel, because of the enhancement of boosted HH production at BSM κ2V deviations, as discussed in Section 4.3.2. Its observed (expected) 95% confidence level (CL) constraint is [0.6, 1.4] ([0.7, 1.4]). This is followed by the resolved bb¯bb¯ [28] and bb¯ττ [29] channels, with constraints of [0.1, 2.2] ([0.4, 2.5]) and [0.4, 2.6] ([0.6, 2.8]), respectively. Similarly, the strongest κ2V constraint from the ATLAS experiment is from the recent boosted bb¯bb¯ search [163], with an observed (expected) 95% CL constraint of [0.55, 1.49] ([0.3, 1.7]).


Figure 4.29. The expected and observed limits on the ratio of experimentally estimated production cross section and the expectation from the SM in searches using different final states and their combination, reproduced from Ref. [32]. The search modes are ordered, from upper to lower, by their expected sensitivities from the least to the most sensitive. The overall combination of all searches is shown by the lowest entry.


Figure 4.30. The expected and observed limits on the ratio of experimentally estimated production cross section and the theory expectation for different values of κλ (left) and κ2V (right), reproduced from Ref. [32].

In this dissertation, we present the first search for nonresonant HH production in the all-hadronic bb¯VV channel, where one Higgs decays to two bottom quarks, while the other to two vector bosons (VV) both decaying hadronically to the four quark (4q) final state. Both the W and Z bosons are considered for the latter decay and collectively referred to as V bosons. The branching fractions for the bb¯ and VV decays are 0.58 and 0.25 respectively, for a total branching fraction B(HH bb¯VV) = 2 0.58 0.25 = 0.29, which is the second-highest, behind only bb¯bb¯. The all-hadronic final state in particular has a branching fraction of 0.13. The analysis targets the boosted regime, which, as discussed above, has the two-fold advantage of 1) increasing sensitivity to κ2V deviations and 2) exponentially reducing the dominant QCD multijet background.

4.3.4 BSM X HY production


Figure 4.31. X HY production in the symmetric (left) and asymmetric (right) cases.

Many theoretical models predict a richer scalar sector than that in the SM to address aesthetic and observational inconsistencies with the SM, such as the Higgs mass hierarchy problem and the baryon asymmetry discussed above. These include two-Higgs doublet models (2HDM) [165] that add an additional scalar doublet to the SM, such as the minimal supersymmetric extension of the SM (MSSM) [153], which predicts two neutral CP-even scalars (H, h), one neutral CP-odd scalar (A), and two charged scalars (H±), where one of the neutral CP-even scalars may be the discovered SM Higgs H125. The next-to-minimal supersymmetric extension of the SM (NMSSM) [166] adds to this a complex scalar singlet, predicting two more CP-even (hs) and CP-odd (as) neutral scalars. Finally, the two-real-singlet-model (TRSM) predicts two additional CP-even scalar fields. Depending on the kinematics, all these models allow for cascade decays of a heavier scalar to symmetric and asymmetric lighter scalars, such as H H125H125 and H hH125, respectively, as shown in Figure 4.31.

We search for this broad class of signals, looking for generic decays of the form X HY, where X is the heavier and Y the lighter scalar resonance, with H decaying to bb¯ and Y to VV 4q. Many models, such as the TRSM, predict branching ratios for the lighter scalar similar to or the same as the SM Higgs. In this case, the VV decay modes are dominant for mY > 140GeV (Figure 4.18) and, hence, the H bb¯ and Y VV will be the dominant final states for the X HY signal. Thus, the bb¯VV channel represents the highest BF in these models.

There are several published and ongoing CMS searches for X HY production in a variety of regimes and final states with the Run 2 dataset, such as the boosted [167] bb¯bb¯ final state, the symmetric-only bb¯WW semi-leptonic final state [31], the resolved bb¯γγ [168], and the resolved bb¯ττ [169] final state. This dissertation presents the first search in the bb¯VV all-hadronic state, and the first in the bb¯VV state for the asymmetric case, representing a significant increase in the covered phase space for X HY searches.

The search comprises two distinct topologies depending on the ratio of the X and Y masses: a highly-boosted fully-merged Y VV topology for mX mY , with both VV bosons’ decay products highly collimated into a single wide-radius jet; and a relatively less-boosted semi-merged topology, where the VV bosons are well separated and each V qq decay is reconstructed as its own wide-radius jet. These two phases are illustrated in Figure 4.32, showing the fraction of Y VV jets containing three or four generator-level quarks as a function of the X and Y boson masses, with the transition occurring around mX 10mY . This dissertation focuses on a search for the fully-merged topology only, i.e. for mX 10mY , and is complementary to an ongoing CMS search in the semi-merged topology. Thus, in terms of the analysis strategy and techniques, this search is similar to the boosted nonresonant HH search in that they both target highly-boosted Higgs boson decays with single wide-radius jets for both H or Y bosons.


Figure 4.32. The fraction of Y VV jets containing three or four generator-level quarks for the resonant X (H bb¯)(Y VV) signal as a function of the X and Y boson masses.

Chapters 4.3.2 and 4.3.4 are in part, currently being prepared for the publication of the material by the CMS collaboration. The dissertation author was the primary investigator and author of these papers.